

Fast-Track Your MIDP Quality Checks with Bluebeam Bookmarks

The Problem: Drawing Titleblock Review Before Milestones You’re about to hit a project milestone, and you need to review the drawing titleblock content from multiple teams. The challenge? These drawings come from various authoring tools like Revit, MicroStation, Civil3D, ArchiCAD, and more. So, how do you efficiently review all this data? The Solution: Bluebeam’s Bookmark Feature Bluebeam offers a powerful…

Navigating the Maze: Information Management in the Common Data Environment

Digital By Sep 21, 2023 No Comments

Today, I’d like to share a portion of a recent conversation that came to me through the week. It’s a real-world scenario that many of us in the AEC industry might find familiar, revolving around the challenges of managing files in a common data environment (CDE). Part 1 – WIP Files in the CDE Ryan, I’m wondering if you can…